OHM International Summer School: Electronic Music production

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    This Video is showing some impressions from "Electronic Music Production" course. The soundtrack has been produced as a result from the lecture by our student Rick Schaffer, Video & Cut has been done by Oliver Lopez.

    Lernziel: In this summer school course you will learn about History of electronic music genres Electronic sound synthesis (subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, FM-synthesis) Structure and functionality of digital audio Workstations (DAWs) Digital effects (chorus, phaser, flanger, distortion, tremolo) Dynamic processor (compressor, limiter) Equalizer Beatmaking Song arrangement
    Kontext - Zielgruppe und Vorwissen: Course is designed for: students from different fields of study. No prior knowledge necessary!
    Inhalt: In week 1 of this summer school course we will lay the fundamentals in sound synthesis and sound design which will be applied by all participants in week 2 to work on a production of their own electronic music song project. The quality of this song will be basis for assessment in the course. The summer school course is taught by Alexander von Hoffmann and Garri Steba. Applied Software: Reaktor and Maschine from Native Instruments (Berlin). Every participant will get access to a computer with the required software installations. Please bring your own headphones with a jack cable connection.
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